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About the Conference

The theme of the 34th annual UNIS-UN Conference (United Nations International School-United Nations) was "Bioethics: Striking a Balance". The conference was held on Thursday and Friday, March 4th and 5th, 2010, at the Trusteeship Council Chamber of the United Nations.

The rapid advancements in science and medicine have created an augmentation of new ethical concerns. The inevitable nature of these advancements has made it increasingly necessary to consider their effects on society and the economy. There are numerous benefits that accompany this progress, such as life-saving vaccinations, effective medications and greater insight into devastating diseases. However, with these benefits comes power, and with power comes responsibility. We are now capable of impacting not the human race alone, but all biomes on Earth. The dangers associated with taking this power too far, as well as the possibilities of improving the well-being of the planet, places bioethics in the forefront of issues facing us.

The conference discussed a plethora of issues from new discoveries in the fields of nanomedicine and synthetic biology to age-old controversies in euthanasia and eugenics. By addressing these dilemmas, the conference looked to investigate and present diverse viewpoints and simultaneously encourage the world's youth to develop their own perspective.